We observe a lot of discussions over the education system in India. While
some choose to criticize it, others praise the government’s efforts leading to
an improved literacy and a better education system in the country. The
introduction of RTE (Right to Education Act) has sparked a lot of debates and
the focus of people has again shifted to India's education system. The youth
contribute the most to the economic growth of the country; hence it becomes
important to maintain the quality of workforce.
The literacy rate of the country has risen considerably since the
time of independence. While in the past focus laid in increasing the number of
educational institutions, the focus has now shifted to achieving equal literacy
rate among males and females, providing better opportunities for all strata of
the society, increase the use of technology and applying effective teaching
methods and in turn generating highly skilled youth for the country. The number
of private and public institutions has considerably gone up in the past few
years. With the introduction of RTE, the government aims at providing equal
opportunities for the weaker sections of the society, who are deprived of
education due to financial limitations.
Even though a lot of efforts have been taken up to improve the
education system of the country, they are still not enough. Consider the case
of RTE: Although it was introduced with honest intentions, its implementation
is still in question due to widespread corruption. The schools and colleges in
today's world have become more of money making institutions, diminishing the
focus on the quality of education. Moreover, the methodologies used are not
right, as they create students who are more focussed on obtaining good marks
rather than on gaining knowledge. The lack of good teachers due to unattractive
opportunities in this field has further aggravated the situation. A vicious
cycle where substandard teachers create an in
ferior grade of students has aggravated
the situation. The government plans to open up more institutions like the IITs
and the IIMs but forgets about maintaining the quality of already existing
institutes. The focus should lie on quality more than on quantity.
The education system needs a lot of refinement and a lot of
revolutionary changes are required before it can really be called an effective
system. The efforts undertaken by various authorities are appreciated, but a holistic
view of the practical challenges faced will lead to a better implementation of policies.
I believe by executing the RTE act more effectively and focussing on generating
a smart and skilled workforce, India
can progress at a much faster pace and develop at unbelievable pace.